2025. Wittmers F, Poirier C, Bachy C, Eckmann C, Matantseva O, Carlson CA, Giovannoni SJ, Goodenough U & AZ Worden. Symbionts of predatory protists are widespread in the oceans and related to animal pathogens. Cell Host & Microbe. Vol 33: 182-199
2024. Jimenez V, Sudek S, Bachy C, Poirier C, Wittmers F, Shilova I, Santoro AE, Follows MJ, Chavez FP & AZ Worden. Distinct phytoplankton communities underlie hotspots of primary production in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.12771.
2024 Wittmers F, Comstock J, Poirier C, Needham DM, Schulz F, Malmstrom R, Carlson CA & AZ Worden. Non-photosynthetic lineages sibling to Cyanobacteria associate with eukaryotes in the open ocean. Current Biology. 10.1016/j.cub.2024.09.009.
2024 Opher M, Loeb A, Zucker C, Goodman A, Konietzka R, Worden AZ, Economo EP, Jesse Miller J, Alves J, Grone J, Kornbleuth M & JEG Peek. The Passage of Solar System through the Local Bubble. Astrophysical Journal. Vol 972: Issue 2, id.201, 11 pp. 10.3847/1538-4357/ad596e.
2024 Comstock J, Henderson LC, Close HG, Liu S, Vergin K, Worden AZ, Wittmers F, Halewood E, Giovannoni SJ & CA Carlson. Marine particle size-fractionation indicates organic matter is processed by unique microbial communities on depth-specific particles. ISME Communications.
2024 Eckmann CA, Bachy C, Wittmers F, Strauss J, Blanco-Bercial L, Vergin KL, Parsons RJ, Kudela RM, Johnson R, Bolaños LM, Giovannoni SJ, Carlson CA & AZ Worden. Recurring seasonality exposes dominant species and niche partitioning strategies of open ocean picoeukaryotic algae. Nature Communications Earth & Environment. Vol 5:266.
2024 Freilich MA, Poirier C, Dever M, Alou-Font E, Allen J, Cabornero A, Sudek L, Choi C-J, Ruiz S, Pascual A, Farrar JT, Shaun Johnston TM, D’Asaro E, Worden AZ* & A Mahadevan*. 3D-intrusions transport active surface microbial assemblages to the dark ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol 121 e231993712. *Co-corresponding.
2024 Harbeitner RC, Wittmers F, Yung CM, Eckmann C, Hehenberger E, Blum M, Needham DM & AZ Worden. Gradients of bacteria in the oceanic water column reveal finely-resolved vertical distributions. PLoS One. 19(4): e0298139.
2024 Deng H, He C, Worden AZ & J Gong. A triple metabarcoding strategy for discriminating active, dormant, and dead microbes in environmental samples. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 26 e16615. HD is a Gong Lab PhD student who spent 1 year in the Worden Lab.
2024 Grone J, Poirier C, Abbott K, Wittmers F, Spiro-Jaeger G, Mahadevan A & AZ Worden. A single Prochlorococcus ecotype dominates the tropical Bay of Bengal with ultradian growth. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 26 e16605. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.16605
2024 Henderson LC, Wittmers F, Carlson CA, Worden AZ & HG Close. Variable carbon isotope fractionation of photosynthetic communities over depth in an open-ocean euphotic zone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
2023 Hehenberger E, Guo J, Wilken S, Hoadley K, Sudek L, Poirier C, Dannebaum R, Susko E, & AZ Worden. Phosphate limitation responses in marine green algae are linked to reprogramming of the tRNA epitranscriptome and codon usage bias. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Vol 40: msad251.
2023 Plummer A, Freilich M, Benzi R, Choi CJ, Sudek L, Worden AZ, Toschi F & A Mahadevan. Oceanic frontal divergence alters phytoplankton competition and distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol 128:
2023 Strauss J, Deng L, Gao S, Toseland A, Bachy C, Kirkham A, Hopes A, Utting R, Tagliabue A, Löw C, Worden AZ, Nagel G & T Mock. Plastid-localized xanthorhodopsin increases diatom biomass and ecosystem productivity in iron-limited surface oceans. Nature Microbiology. Vol 8, 2050–2066.
2023 Wilken S, Yung CCM, Poirier C, Massana R, Jimenez V & AZ Worden. Choanoflagellates alongside diverse uncultured predatory protists consume the abundant open-ocean cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol 120(27), e2302388120.
2023 Eckmann CA, Eberle JS, Wittmers F, Wilken S, Bergauer K, Poirier C, Blum M, Makareviciute K, Jimenez V, Bachy C, Vermeij MJ & AZ Worden. Eukaryotic algal community composition of tropical environments from solar salterns to the open sea. Frontiers in Marine Microbiology. Vol 10, Art. Nr. 1131351.
2023 Strauss J, Choi CJ, Grone J, Wittmers F, Jimenez V, Makareviciute-Fichtner K, Bachy C, Spiro Jaeger G, Poirier C, Eckmann CA, Spezzano R, Löscher CR, Sarma VVSS, Mahadevan A & AZ Worden. The Bay of Bengal exposes abundant photosynthetic picoplankton and newfound diversity along salinity-driven gradients. Environmental Microbiology.
2023 Min MA, Needham DM, Sudek S, Truelove NK, Pitz K, Chavez GM, Poirier C, Gardeler B, von der Esch E, Ludwig A, Riebesell U, Worden AZ & FP Chavez. Ecological divergence of a mesocosm in an eastern boundary upwelling system assessed with multi-marker DNA metabarcoding. Biogeosciences.
2022 Needham DM, Poirier C, Bachy C, George EE, Wilken S, Yung CCM, Limardo AJ, Morando M, Sudek L, Malstrom RR, Keeling PJ, Santoro AE & AZ Worden. The microbiome of a bacterivorous marine choanoflagellate contains a resource-demanding obligate bacterial associate. Nature Microbiology. Vol 7: 1466-1479.
2022 Wittmers F, Needham DM, Hehenberger E, Giovannoni SJ & AZ Worden. Genomes from uncultivated pelagiphages reveal multiple phylogenetic clades exhibiting extensive auxiliary metabolic genes and cross-family multigene transfers. mSystems. e01522-21.
2022 Bachy C, Sudek L, Choi C-J, Eckmann CA, Nöthig E-M, Metfies K & AZ Worden. Phytoplankton surveys in the arctic Fram Strait demonstrate the tiny eukaryotic alga Micromonas and other picoprasinophytes contribute to deep sea export. Microorganisms. Vol 10: 961
2022 Bachy C, Wittmers F, Muschiol J, Hamilton M, Henrissat B & AZ Worden. The land-sea connection: insights into the plant lineage from a green algal perspective. Annual Review of Plant Biology. Vol 73: 585–616.
2022 Worden AZ & C Poirier. A divergent bacterium lives in association with bacterivorous protists in the ocean. Nature Microbiology. Vol 7:1335–1336.
2022 Bachy C, Hehenberger H, Ling Y-C, Needham DM, Strauss J, Wilken* S & AZ Worden*. A hitchhiker’s guide to marine protists and their microbiome roles. In: The Marine Microbiome, Second Edition, Eds. LJ Stal & MS Cretoiu. Pp. 159-241. *Co-corresponding authors.
2021 Hamilton M, Mascioni M, Hehenberger E, Bachy C, Yung C, Vernet M & AZ Worden. Spatiotemporal variations in Antarctic protistan communities highlight phytoplankton diversity and seasonal dominance by a novel cryptophyte lineage. mBio. Vol 12: e02973-21.
2021 Schön ME, Zlatogursky VV, Singh RP, Poirier C, Wilken S, Mathur V, Strassert JFH, Pinhassi J, Worden AZ, Keeling PJ, Ettema TJG, Wideman JG & F Burki. Single cell genomics reveals plastid-lacking Picozoa as close relatives of red algae. Nature Communications. Vol 12: 6651.
2021 Bachy C, Yung C-M, Needham DM, Gazitua C, Roux S, Limardo AJ, Choi C-J, Sullivan MB & AZ Worden. Viruses infecting a warm water picoeukaryote shed light on spatial co-occurrence dynamics of marine viruses and their hosts. The ISME Journal.
2021 Hoadley KD, Hamilton M, Poirier CL, Choi C-J, Yung C-M & AZ Worden. Selective uptake of pelagic microbial community members by Caribbean reef corals. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol 87: e03175-20.
2021 Bolaños LM, Choi C-J, Worden AZ, Baetge N, Carlson CA & SJ Giovannoni. Seasonality of the microbial community composition in the North Atlantic. Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol 8:
2020 Faktorová ‡ D, Nisbet ‡ RER, Fernández ‡ JA, Casacuberta ‡ E, Sudek ‡ L, Allen AE, Ares M, Aresté C, Balestreri C, Barbrook AC, Beardslee B, Bender S, Booth DS, Bouget F-Y, Bowler C, Breglia SA, Brownlee C, Burger G, Cerutti H, Cesaroni R, Chiurillo MA, Clemente T, Coles DB, Collier JL, Cooney EC, Coyne K, Docampo R, Dupont CL, Edgcomb V, Einarsson E, Elustondo PA, Federici F, Freire-Beneitez V, Freyria NJ, Fukuda K, García PA, Girguis PR, Goma F, Gornik SG, Guo J, Hampl V, Hanawa Y, Haro-Contreras ER, Hehenberger H, Highfield A, Hirakawa Y, Hopes A, Howe CJ, Hu I, Ibañez J, Irwin NAT, Ishii Y, Janowicz NE, Jones AC, Kachale A, Fujimura-Kamada K, Kaur B, Kaye JZ, Kazana E, Keeling PJ, King N, Klobutcher LA, Lander N, Lassadi I, Li Z, Lin S, Lozano J-C, Luan F, Maruyama S, Matute T, Miceli C, Minagawa J, Moosburner M, Najle SR, Nanjappa D, Nimmo IC, Noble L, Novák Vanclová AMG, Nowacki M, Nuñez I, Pain A, Piersanti A, Pucciarelli S, Pyrih J, Rest JS, Rius M, Robertson D, Ruaud A, Ruiz-Trillo I, Sigg MA, Silver PA, Slamovits CH, Smith GJ, Sprecher BN, Stern R, Swart E, Tsaousis A, Tsypin L, Turkewitz A, Turnšek J, Valach M, Vergé V, von Dassow P, von der Haar T, Waller RF, Wang L, Wen X, Wheeler G, Woods A, Zhang H, Mock* T, Worden* AZ & J Lukeš*. Genetic tool development in marine protists: Emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature Methods. Vol 17:481–494. ‡ Co-first authors, *Co-corresponding
2020 Choi CJ, Jimenez V, Needham DM, Poirier C, Bachy C, Alexander H, Wilken S, Chavez FP, Sudek S, Giovannoni SJ & AZ Worden. Seasonal and geographical transitions in eukaryotic phytoplankton community structure in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol 11:
2020 Suffridge CP, Bolaños LM, Bergauer K, Worden AZ, Morré J, Behrenfeld MJ & SJ Giovannoni. Exploring Vitamin B1 Cycling and Its Connections to the Microbial Community in the North Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol 7:
2020 Cooney EC, Okamoto N, Cho A, Hehenberger E, Richards TA, Santoro AE, Worden AZ, Leander BS & PJ Keeling. Single cell transcriptomics of Abedinium reveals a new early branching dinoflagellate lineage. Genome Biology and Evolution. Vol 12:2417-2428.
2020 Breusing C, Schultz DT, Sudek S, Worden AZ & CR Young. High‐contiguity genome assembly of the chemosynthetic gammaproteobacterial endosymbiont of the cold seep tubeworm Lamellibrachia barhami. Molecular Ecology Resources. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13220.
2020 Bolaños LM, Karp-Boss L, Choi C-J, Worden AZ, Graff JR, Haëntjens N, Chase AP, Della Penna A, Gaube P, Morison F, Menden-Deuer S, Westberry TK, O’Malley RT, Boss E, Behrenfeld MJ & SJ Giovannoni. Small phytoplankton dominate western North Atlantic biomass. The ISME Journal. Vol 14:1663-1674.
2020 Wilken S, Choi CJ & AZ Worden. Contrasting mixotrophic lifestyles reveal different ecological niches in two closely related marine protists. Journal of Phycology. Vol 56:52-67.
2020 Zimmerman AE, Howard-Varona C, Needham DM, John S, Worden AZ, Sullivan MB, Waldbauer J & ML Coleman. Metabolic and biogeochemical consequences of viral infection in aquatic ecosystems. Nature Reviews Microbiology. Vol 18:21-34. (Conceptualized while 1 st author in Worden lab, fully written after her move to the Coleman & Walbauer lab).
2020 Rodríguez-Martínez R, Leonard G, Milner DS, Sudek S, Conway M, Moore K, Hudson T, Mahé F, Keeling PJ, Santoro AE, Worden AZ & TA Richards. Controlled sampling of ribosomally active protistan diversity in marine sediment-surface layers identifies putative players in the carbon sink. The ISME Journal. Vol 14:984-998.
2020 Wideman JG, Monier A, Rodríguez-Martínez R, Leonard G, Cook E, Poirier C, Maguire F, Milner D, Irwin NAT, Moore K, Santoro AE, Keeling PJ, Worden AZ & TA Richards. Unexpected mitochondrial genome diversity revealed by targeted single-cell genomics of heterotrophic flagellated protists. Nature Microbiology. Vol 5:154-165.
2020 del Campo J, Heger TJ, Rodríguez-Martínez R, Worden AZ, Richards TA, Massana R & PJ Keeling. Assessing the diversity and distribution of apicomplexans in host and free-living environments using high-throughput amplicon data and a phylogenetically informed reference framework. Frontiers in Microbiology.
2019 Kolody BJ, McCrow J, Zeigler Allen L, Aylward FO, Fontanez KM, Moustafa A, Moniruzzaman M, Chavez FP, Scholin CA, Allen EE, Worden AZ, Delong EF & AE Allen. Diel transcriptional response of a California Current plankton microbiome to light, low iron, and enduring viral infection. The ISME Journal. Vol 13:2817–2833.
2019 Needham DM, Poirier C, Hehenberger E, Jimenez V, Swalwell JE, Santoro AE & AZ Worden. Targeted metagenomic recovery of four divergent viruses reveals shared and distinctive characteristics of giant viruses of marine eukaryotes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 374: 20190086. https://doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0086.
2019 Wilken S, Yung C-M, Hamilton M, Hoadley K, Nzongo J, Eckmann C, Corrochano Luque M, Poirier C & AZ Worden. The need to account for cell biology in characterizing predatory mixotrophs in aquatic environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Vol 374: 20190090.
2019 Needham ‡ DM, Yoshizawa ‡ S, Hosaka ‡ T, Poirier C, Choi C-J, Hehenberger E, Irwin NTA, Wilken S, Yung C-M, Bachy C, Kurihara R, Nakajima Y, Kojima K, Kimura-Someya T, Leonard G, Malmstrom RR, Mende D, Olson DK, Sudo Y, Sudek S, Richards TA, DeLong EF, Keeling PJ, Santoro AE, Shirouzu M, Iwasaki W & AZ Worden. A distinct lineage of giant viruses brings a rhodopsin photosystem to unicellular marine predators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol 116: 20574-20583. ‡ Co-first authors
2019 Zimmerman AE, Bachy C, Ma X, Roux S, Jang HB, Sullivan MB, Waldbauer JR & AZ Worden. Closely-related viruses of the marine picoeukaryotic alga, Ostreococcus lucimarinus, exhibit different ecological strategies. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 21:2148-2170.
2019 Okamoto N, Gawryluk RMR, del Campo J, Strassert JFH, Lukeš J, Richards TA, Worden AZ, Santoro AE & PJ Keeling. A Revised Taxonomy of Diplonemids Including the Eupelagonemidae n. fam. and a Type Species, Eupelagonema oceanica n. gen. & sp. The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. Vol 66:519-524.
2018 Joo S, Wang MH, Lui G, Lee J, Barnas A, Kim E, Sudek S, Worden AZ & JH Lee. Common ancestry of heterodimerizing TALE homeobox transcription factors across Metazoa and Archaeplastida. BMC Biology. 16:136. doi: 10.1186/s12915-018-0605-5.
2018 Guo J, Wilken S, Jimenez V, Choi CJ, Ansong CK, Dannebaum R, Sudek L, Milner D, Bachy C, Reistetter EN, Elrod VA, Klimov D, Purvine SO, Wei C-L, Kunde-Ramamoorthy G, Richards TA, Goodenough U, Smith RD, Callister SJ & AZ Worden. Specialized proteomic responses and an ancient photoprotection mechanism sustain marine green algal growth during phosphate limitation. Nature Microbiology. Vol 3:781–790.
2018 Bachy C, Charlesworth CJ, Chan AM, Finke JF, Wong C-H, Wei C-L, Sudek S, Coleman ML, Suttle CA & AZ Worden. Transcriptional responses of the marine green alga Micromonas pusilla and an infecting prasinovirus under different phosphate conditions. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 20:2898-2912.
2018 Strassert JFH, Hehenberger E, del Campo J, Okamoto N, Kolisko M, Richards TA, Worden AZ, Santoro AE & PJ Keeling. Phylogeny, evidence for a cryptic plastid, and distribution of Chytriodinium parasites (Dinophyceae) infecting copepods. The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. Vol 66:574-581.
2018 Orsi WD, Wilken S, del Campo J, Heger T, James E, Richards TA, Keeling PJ, Worden AZ & AE Santoro. Identifying protist consumers of photosynthetic picoeukaryotes in the surface ocean using stable isotope probing. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 20:815-827
2018 Strassert JFH, Karnkowska A, Hehenberger E, del Campo J, Kolisko M, Okamoto N, Burki F, Janouškovec J, Poirier C, Leonard G, Hallam S, Richards TA, Worden AZ, Santoro A & PJ Keeling. Single cell genomics of uncultured Marine Alveolates (MALVs) shows paraphyly of basal dinoflagellates. The ISME Journal. Vol 12:304-308.
2017 Gutowska MA, Shome B, McRose D, Sudek S, Hamilton M, Giovannoni SJ, Begley TP & AZ Worden. Ecologically important marine haptophyte algae use exogenous pyrimidine compounds more efficiently than thiamin. mBio. Vol 8: e01459-17. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01459-17.
2017 Limardo AJ, Sudek S, Choi CJ, Poirier C, Rii YM, Blum M, Roth R, Goodenough U, Church MJ & AZ Worden. Quantitative biogeography of picoprasinophytes establishes differential ecotype distributions and significant contributions to marine phytoplankton. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 19:3219-3234.
2017 Cuvelier ML, Guo J, Ortiz AC, van Baren MJ, Tariq MA, Partensky F & AZ Worden. Responses of the picoprasinophyte Micromonas commoda to light and ultraviolet stress. PLoS One. 27 pgs. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0172135.
2017 Choi ‡ CJ, Bachy ‡ C, Jaeger GS, Poirier C, Sudek L, Sarma VVSS, Mahadevan A, Giovannoni SJ & AZ Worden. Newly discovered deep-branching marine plastid lineages are numerically rare but globally distributed. Current Biology. Vol 27:R17–R18. ‡ Co-first authors.
2017 Caron DA, Alexander H, Allen AE, Archibald JM, Armbrust EV, Bachy C, Bharti A, Dyhrman ST, Guida S, Heidelberg KB, Kaye JZ, Metzner J, Smith SR & AZ Worden. Probing the evolution, ecology and physiology of marine protists using transcriptomics. Nature Reviews Microbiology. Vol 15:6-20.
2017 Mock T, Otillar RP, Strauss J, Allen AE, Dupont CL, Frickenhaus S, Maumus F, McMullan M, Salamov A, Sanges R, Schmutz J, Toseland A, Veluchamy A, Ward BJ, Wu T, Barry KW, Falciatore A, Ferrante MI, Fortunato AE, Glöckner G, Gruber A, Hipkin R, Janech MG, Kroth P, Leese F, Lindquist EA, Lyon BR, Martin J, Mayer C, Parker M, Quesneville H, Raymond JA, Uhlig C, Valas RE, Valentin KU, Worden AZ, Armbrust EV, Bowler C, Green BR, Moulton V, van Oosterhout C & IV Grigoriev. Evolutionary genomics of a cold-adapted diatom, Fragilariopsis cylindrus. Nature. 541:536-540.
2017 Clayton SC, Lin Y-C, Follows MJ & AZ Worden. Co-existence of distinct Ostreococcus ecotypes at an oceanic front. Limnology & Oceanography. Vol 62:75–88.
2016 Gawryluk R, del Campo J, Okamoto N, Strassert JFH, Lukes J, Richards TA, Worden AZ, Santoro AE & PJ Keeling. Morphological identification and single-cell genomics of marine diplonemids. Current Biology. Vol 26:3053–3059.
2016 Gregory AC, Solonenko S, LaButti K, Copeland A, Sudek S, Maitland A, Chittick L, dos Santos F, Weitz JS, Worden AZ, Woyke T & MB Sullivan. Genomic differentiation amongst wild cyanophages despite widespread horizontal gene transfer. BMC Genomics. 17:930 (13 pgs). doi:10.1186/s12864-016-3286-x
2016 Orsi WD, Smith JM, Liu S, Liu Z, Sakamoto CM, Wilken S, Poirier C, Richards TA, Keeling PJ, Worden AZ & AE Santoro. Diverse, uncultivated bacteria and archaea underlying the cycling of dissolved protein in the ocean. The ISME Journal. Vol 10:2158-2173.
2016 Monier A, Worden AZ & TA Richards. Phylogenetic diversity and biogeography of the Mamiellophyceae lineage of eukaryotic marine phytoplankton across the oceans. Environmental Microbiology Reports. Vol 8:461-469. doi: 10.1111/1758-2229.12390
2016 Simmons MP, Sudek S, Monier A, Limardo AJ, Jimenez V, Perle C, Elrod VA, Pennington JT & AZ Worden. Abundance and biogeography of picoprasinophyte ecotypes and other phytoplankton in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. Applied & Environmental Microbiology. Vol 82:1693-1705.
2016 van Baren MJ, Bachy C, Reistetter EN, Purvine SO, Grimwood J, Sudek S, Yu H, Poirier C, Kuo A, Grigoriev IV, Wong C-H, Smith RD, Schmutz J, Wei C-L, Callister SJ & AZ Worden. Evidence-based green algal genomics reveals marine diversity and ancestral characteristics of land plants. BMC Genomics. 17:267 (22 pgs). doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-2585-6
2016 Waltman PH, Guo J, Reistetter EN, Purvine S, Ansong CK, van Baren MJ, Wong C-H, Wei C-H, Smith RD, Callister SJ, Stuart JM & AZ Worden. Identifying aspects of the post-transcriptional program governing the proteome of the green alga Micromonas pusilla. PLoS One. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155839
2016 Worden* AZ & S Wilken. Perspective: A plankton bloom shifts as the ocean warms. Science. Vol 354:287-288. doi: 10.1126/science.aaj1751. *Corresponding author.
2015 Limardo AJ & AZ Worden*. News and Views, Microbiology: Exclusive networks in the sea. Nature. Vol 522:36–37. doi: 10.1038/nature14530. *Corresponding author.
2015 Ribalet F, Swalwell JE, Clayton S, Jimenez V, Sudek S, Lin Y, Johnson ZI, Worden AZ & EV Armbrust. Light-driven synchrony of Prochlorococcus growth and mortality in the North Pacific gyre. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol 112:8008–8012.
2015 Worden* AZ, Follows MJ, Giovannoni SJ, Wilken S, Zimmerman AE & PJ Keeling. Rethinking the marine carbon cycle: factoring in multifarious lifestyles of microbes. Science. Vol 347. doi:10.1126/science.1257594 (12 pages). *Corresponding author.
2015 Simmons MP, Bachy C, Sudek S, Baren MJ, Sudek L, Ares M & AZ Worden. Intron invasions trace algal speciation and reveal nearly identical Arctic and Antarctic Micromonas populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Vol 32:2219-2235.
2015 Derelle E, Monier A, Cooke R, Worden AZ, Grimsely NH & H Moreau. Diversity of viruses infecting the green micro-alga Ostreococcus lucimarinus. Journal of Virology. Vol 89:5812-21.
2015 Orsi WD, Smith JM, Wilcox HM, Swalwell JE, Carini P, Worden AZ & AE Santoro. Ecophysiology of uncultivated marine euryarchaea is linked to particulate organic matter. The ISME Journal. Vol 9: 1747-1763.
2015 Sudek S, Everroad RC, Gehman A, Smith JM, Poirier C, Chavez FP & AZ Worden. Cyanobacterial distributions along a physico-chemical gradient in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 17:3692-3707.
2015 Ševčíková T, Horák A, Klimeš V, Zbránková V, Demir-Hilton E, Sudek S, Jenkins J, Schmutz J, Přibyl P, Fousek J, Vlček C, Lang BF, Oborník M, Worden* AZ & M Eliáš*. Updating algal evolutionary relationships through plastid genome sequencing: did alveolate plastids emerge through endosymbiosis of an ochrophyte? Scientific Reports. 5:doi: 10.1038/srep10134. *co-corresponding.
2014 AZ Worden. Women in Oceanography – A Decade Later. Autobiographical Sketches – Alexandra Z. Worden. TOS Oceanography. Vol. 27, No. 4 Supplement, pg. 251.
2014 Bachy C & AZ Worden*. Microbial ecology: Finding structure in the rare biosphere. Current Biology. Vol 24:R315–R317. *Corresponding author.
2014 Duanmu ‡ D, Bachy ‡ C, Sudek S, Wong CH, Jimenez V, Rockwell NC, Martin SS, Ngan CY, Reistetter E, van Baren MJ, Price DC, Wei CL, Reyes-Prieto A, Lagarias JC* & AZ Worden*. Marine algae and land plants share conserved phytochrome signaling systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol 111:15827–15832. ‡ Co-first authors. *co-corresponding.
2014 McRose ‡ D, Guo ‡ J, Monier ‡ A, Sudek S, Wilken S, Yan S, Mock T, Archibald JM, Begley TP, Reyes-Prieto A & AZ Worden. Alternatives to Vitamin B 1 uptake revealed with discovery of riboswitches in multiple marine unicellular eukaryotes. The ISME Journal. Vol 17:3692-3707. ‡ Co-first authors.
2014 Keeling* PJ, Burki F, Wilcox HM, Allam B, Allen EE, 75 others & AZ Worden*. The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP): Illuminating the Functional Diversity of Eukaryotic Life in the Oceans through Transcriptome Sequencing. PLoS Biology. 12(6): e1001889. *co-corresponding.
2014 Rockwell, NC, Duanmu D, Martin SS, Bachy C, Price DC, Bhattacharya D, Worden AZ & JC Lagarias. Eukaryotic algal phytochromes span the visible spectrum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol 111:3871-3876.
2013 Read BA † , Kegel J, Klute MJ, Kuo A, Lefebvre SC, Maumus F, Mayer C, Miller J, Monier A, Salamov A, Emiliania huxleyi Annotation Consortium, Dacks JB † , Delwiche CF † , Dyhrman ST † , Glöckner G † , John U † , Richards TA † , Worden AZ † , Zhang X † and IV Grigoriev † . Emiliania’s pan genome drives the phytoplankton’s global distribution. Nature. Vol 499:209-213. † Co-senior authors.
2013 Monier A, Sudek S, Fast N & AZ Worden. Gene invasion in distant eukaryotic lineages: discovery of mutually exclusive genetic elements reveal marine biodiversity. The ISME Journal. Vol 7:1764–1774.
2013 Santoro AE, Sakamoto CM, Smith JM, Plant JN, Gehman AL, Worden AZ, Johnson KS, Francis CA & KL Casciotti. Measurements of nitrite production and nitrite-producing organisms in and around the primary nitrite maximum in the central California Current. Biogeosciences. Vol 10:5803-5840.
2013 Vergin KL, Beszteri B, Monier A, Thrash JC, Treusch AH, Kilpert F, Worden AZ & SJ Giovannoni. High resolution SAR11 ecotype dynamics at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site as determined by phylogenetic placement of pyrosequences. The ISME Journal. Vol 7:1322-1332.
2012 Worden* AZ, Janouskovec J, McRose D, Engman A, Welsh RM, Malfatti S, Tringe SG & PJ Keeling. Global distribution of a wild alga revealed by targeted metagenomics. Current Biology. Vol 22:R675-R677. *Corresponding author.
2012 Curtis BA, and 72 others (including McRose D & AZ Worden). Algal genomes reveal evolutionary mosaicism and the fate of nucleomorphs. Nature. Vol 492:59–65.
2012 Lin YC, Campbell T, Chung CC, Gong G, Chiang KP & AZ Worden. Distribution patterns and phylogeny of novel marine stramenopiles (MAST) in the North Pacific Ocean. Applied & Environmental Microbiology. Vol 78:3387-3399.
2012 Monier A, Welsh RM, Gentemann C, Weinstock G, Sodergren E, Armbrust EV, Eisen JA & AZ Worden. Phosphate transport in marine phytoplankton and their viruses: cross-domain commonalities in viral-host gene exchanges. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 14:162–176.
2012 Treusch AH, Demir-Hilton E, Vergin KL, Worden AZ, Carlson CA & SJ Giovannoni. Phytoplankton distribution patterns in the northwestern Sargasso Sea revealed by small subunit rRNA genes from plastids. The ISME Journal. Vol 6:481-492.
2011 Paerl RW, Johnson KS, Welsh RM, Worden AZ, Chavez FP & JP Zehr. Differential distributions of Synechococcus subgroups across the California Current System. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2011.00059.
2011 Demir-Hilton E, Sudek S, Cuvelier ML, Gentemann C, Zehr JP & AZ Worden. Global distribution patterns of distinct clades of the photosynthetic picoeukaryote Ostreococcus. The ISME Journal. Vol 5:1095–1107.
2011 Kim‡ E, Harrison‡ J, Sudek‡ S, Jones MDM, Wilcox HM, Richards T*, Worden AZ* & JM Archibald*. Newly identified and diverse plastid-bearing branch on the eukaryotic tree of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol 108:1496-1500. *co-corresponding. ‡Co-first authors
2011 Worden* AZ, Dupont C & AE Allen. Genomics of uncultured eukaryotes: sorting FACS from fiction. Genome Biology. 12:117. (3 pages). *Corresponding author.
2010 Worden* AZ & AE Allen. The voyage of the microbial eukaryote. Current Opinion in Microbiology. Vol 13:652-660. *Corresponding author.
2010 Cuvelier ML, Allen AE, Monier A, McCrow JP, Messié M, Tringe SG, Woyke T, Welsh RM, Ishoey T, Lee JH, Binder BJ, DuPont CL, Latasa M, Guigand C, Buck KR, Hilton J, Thiagarajan M, Caler E, Read B, Lasken RS, Chavez FP & AZ Worden. Targeted metagenomics and ecology of globally important uncultured eukaryotic phytoplankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol 107:14679-14684.
2010 McDonald SM, Plant JN & AZ Worden. The mixed lineage nature of nitrogen transport and assimilation in marine eukaryotic phytoplankton: a case study of Micromonas. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Vol 27:2268-2283.
2009 Caron DA, Worden AZ, Countway PD, Demir E & KB Heidelberg. Protists are microbes too: a perspective. The ISME Journal. Vol 3:4-12.
2009 Worden* AZ, Lee+ JH, Mock+ T, Rouze+ P, Simmons+ MP, Aerts AL, Allen AE, Cuvelier ML, Derelle E, Everett MV, Foulon E, Grimwood J, Gundlach H, Henrissat B, Napoli C, McDonald SM, Parker MS, Rombauts S, Salamov A, Von Dassow P, Badger JH, Coutinho PM, Demir E, Dubchak I, Gentemann C, Eikrem W, Gready JE, John U, Lanier W, Lindquist EA, Lucas S, Mayer KFX, Moreau H, Not F, Otillar R, Panaud O, Pangilinan J, Paulsen I, Piegu B, Poliakov S, Robbens S, Schmutz J, Toulza E, Wyss T, Zelensky A, Zhou K, Armbrust EV, Bhattacharya D, Goodenough UW, Van de Peer Y & IV Grigoriev. Green evolution and dynamic adaptations revealed by genomes of the marine picoeukaryote Micromonas. Science. Vol 324:268-272. + Co-second. *Corresponding author.
2009 Worden* AZ & D McRose. The otherness of the oceans. Nature. Vol 459:166-167. *Corresponding author.
2008 Worden* AZ & F Not. Ecology and diversity of picoeukaryotes. In: Microbial Ecology of the Ocean, 2nd Edition. Ed. D Kirchman. Wiley. *Corresponding author.
2008 Guillou L, Viprey M, Chambouvet A, Welsh RM, Kirkham AR, Massana R, Scanlan DJ & AZ Worden. Widespread occurrence and genetic diversity of marine parasitoids belonging to Syndiniales (Alveolata). Environmental Microbiology. Vol 10:3349-3365.
2008 Deschamps P, Moreau H, Worden AZ, Dauvillée D & SG Ball. Early gene duplication within chloroplastida and its correspondence with relocation of starch metabolism to chloroplasts. Genetics. Vol 178:2373-2387.
2008 Cuvelier ML, Ortiz A, Kim E, Moehlig H, Richardson DE, Heidelberg JF, Archibald JM & AZ Worden. Widespread distribution of a unique marine protistan lineage. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 10:1621–1634.
2007 Robbens S, Rouze P. Cock JM, Spring J, Worden* AZ & Y Van de Peer*. The FTO gene, implicated in human obesity, is found only in vertebrates and marine algae. Journal of Molecular Evolution. Vol 66:80-84. *co-corresponding.
2007 Not F, Gausling R, Azam F, Heidelberg, JF & AZ Worden. Vertical distribution of picoeukaryotic diversity in the Sargasso Sea. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 9:1233-1252.
2007 Sherr BF, Sherr EB, Caron DA, Vaulot D & AZ Worden. Oceanic protists. Oceanography. Vol 20:130-134.
2006 Derelle+ E, Ferraz+ C, Rombauts+ S, Rouzé+ P, Worden AZ, Robbens S, Partensky F, Degroeve S, Echeynié S, Cooke R, Wuyts J, Saeys Y, Jabbari K, Bowler C, Ball S, Ral JP, Bouget FY, Piganeau G, De Baets B, Picard A, Delseny M, Demaille J, Van de Peer Y & H Moreau (2006). Genome analysis of the smallest free-living eukaryote Ostreococcus tauri unveils many unique features. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol 103:11647-11652. + Co-first.
2006 Worden AZ. Picoeukaryote diversity in coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. Vol 43:165-175.
2006 Worden* AZ, Seidel M, Smriga S, Wick A, Malfatti F, Bartlett D & F Azam. Trophic regulation of Vibrio cholerae in coastal marine waters. Environmental Microbiology. Vol 8:21-29. *Corresponding author.
2006 Worden* AZ, Cuvelier ML & DH Bartlett. In depth marine microbial community genomics. Trends in Microbiology. Vol 14:331-336. *Corresponding author.
2005 Six ‡ C, Worden ‡ AZ, Rodriguez F, Moreau H & F Partensky. New insights into the nature and phylogeny of prasinophyte antennae proteins: Ostreococcus tauri, a case study. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Vol 22:2217-2230. ‡ Co-first authors.
2004 Azam F & AZ Worden. Microbes, molecules and marine ecosystems. Science. Vol 303:1622-1624.
2004 Worden* AZ, Nolan JK & B Palenik. Assessing the dynamics and ecology of marine picophytoplankton: the importance of the eukaryotic component. Limnology & Oceanography. Vol 49:168-179. *Corresponding author.
2003 Mouriño RR, Worden AZ & F Azam. Growth of Vibrio cholerae in Red Tide waters off California. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol 69:6923-6931.
2003 Worden* AZ & BJ Binder. Growth regulation of rRNA content of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus (marine cyanobacteria) measured by whole-cell hybridization of rRNA targeted peptide nucleic acids. Journal of Phycology. Vol 39:527-534. *Corresponding author.
2003 Worden* AZ & BJ Binder. Application of dilution experiments for measuring growth and mortality rates among Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus populations in oligotrophic environments. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. Vol 30:159-174. *Corresponding author.
2000 Worden* AZ, Chisholm SW & BJ Binder. In situ hybridization of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus (Marine Cyanobacteria) with rRNA-targeted Peptide Nucleic Acid Probes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol 66:284-289. *Corresponding author.
1996 Binder BJ, Chisholm SW, Olson RJ, Frankel SL & AZ Worden. Dynamics of pico-phytoplankton, ultra-phytoplankton, and bacteria in the central equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part II. Vol 43:907-931.