Algal Ecology & Evolution

Cell biology is key to how organisms respond to change - we work from the level of proteins to global physiology under environmentally relevant, and (predicted) climate-change induced conditions

Elucidating the underpinnings of how algae respond to changing ocean conditions is essential to understanding food webs and the global carbon cycle. It also helps identify places where niche differentiation and competition might matter most. Field studies are essential for observing system change. Studies of physiology – using cultured algae that go down to the biochemical pathways and functions of genes— are important for developing a mechanistic understanding of responses. A first step is having reference information on the genes of environmentally-relevant algae, and, more broadly, of unicellular eukaryotes as a whole. We take several approaches to this, including whole genome sequencing and transcriptome assemblies for cultured taxa and targeted metagenomic assemblies for wild species.

Genomes tell you about possibilities, and from there, experimentation is needed to understand responses – whether at the RNA, protein or physiological level. The organism we have been developing as a model is Micromonas, a picoeukaryotic green alga for which we also have developed a genetic transformation system – at the same time we work with other algal groups to make sure we capture some of the diversity out there! Green algae like Micromonas belong to the Archaeplastida supergroup and provide insights into the evolution of land plants. We examine the evolution and function of photosensory proteins and perform research to discovery of novel functions and overall cell biological responses. We use advanced photobioreactors (as in the photo for this theme) and other systems simulate future ocean conditions allowing experiments that help identify proteins involved in algal responses and giving clues to evolutionary trajectories. 

In addition to studying tiny photoautotrophic green algae like Micromonas, Bathycoccus, and Ostreococcus – all of which are the products of primary endosymbiosis (Archaeplastids) we study algae from across the tree of eukaryotic life, including haptophytes, rappemonads (which we discovered in collaboration with the Archibald (Dalhousie University) and Richards (University of Oxford) Labs), many stramenopiles and novel lineages. The stramenopile algae we study - and algae that also eat other cells (predatory mixotrophs) - provide sharply contrasting strategies to marine green algae. Cyanobacteria are never far from our thoughts but, for these, we work primarily with field samples to understand distributions among phytoplankton as a whole.

Image: The picoeukaryote green alga Micromonas - it is about half chloroplast (semi-circle like shape false-colored dark green) – the organelle where photosynthesis occurs. Photo: TJ Deerinck, M Ellisman & AZ Worden


The Dark Ocean Biosphere